Major donors:
Major donors have contributed at least $3000 or made a $3000 memorial gift to Save Unborn Life, enabling a woman to make a choice for life for their child!
Mrs. Laura (Dworaczyk) Merriott
Ret. Col. Ron Merriott
Jonathan Merriott
Jason Merriott
Terri Dworaczyk
Catherine Dworaczyk
Jude Dworaczyk
Craig Walterscheid
Armando Medina
Mission Preborn
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Guiffre
Roger and Melissa Kent
Sheryl and Len Kabasinski
Kent and Danuta Oberg
Gerald Petersen
Mr. Louis Palmieri
Rene D’ Aurora
America’s Christian Credit Union
Adele and Paul Eleazer
Stephen and Scarlette MacFarlane
Contribution memorials in honor of:
Rosie and Ambros Dworaczyk
Pope John Paul II–the GREAT
Rev. Edward and Rev. Julius Dworaczyk
Carmel Dworaczyk
Mary Ann Dworaczyk
Edward Dworaczyk
Bonnie Merriott
Charles Haskell Merriott
Irene Frances Walterscheid
Kathy and Jim Locke
Fatima Walterscheid
Jacquelynn Ann Oberg